Sunday, April 18, 2010


1. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him
If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay.

2. Stop making excuses for a man and his

3. If you have ANY doubt in your mind about a
man’s character, leave him alone.

4. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from

5. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship
that’s not meant to be.

6. Don’t force an attraction.

7. Slower is better.

8. Never live your life for a man before you find
what makes you truly happy.

9. If a relationship ends because the man was not
treating you as you deserve then heck no you
can’t "be friends." A friend wouldn’t mistreat a

10. Have faith in God regarding your relationship,
but don’t let faith make you stupid. God does
things decent and in order.

11. Don’t settle.

12. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then
he probably is.

13. If he keeps changing his mind about the
relationship–take that as a BIG sign that he is
unstable. Do you really want to be with a man like

14. Don’t stay because you think "it will get
better." You’ll be mad at yourself a year later for
staying when things are not better.

15. Honorable men take care of their business
and aren’t involved in a
whole lot of mess.

16. The only person you can control in a
relationship is you.

17. There’s only one ‘reason’ a man dumps you;
he doesn’t want you.

18. Avoid men who’ve got a bunch of children by a
bunch of different women. He didn’t marry them
when he got them pregnant, why would he treat
yo u any differently?

19. You really do have to kiss a few frogs before
finding the prince.

20. Always put yourself and your happiness first.

21. Always have your own set of friends separate
from his.

22. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If
something bothers you, speak up.

23. If he doesn’t call, he just isn’t that interested.

24. Be honest and upfront.

25. Know when to cut the cord, don’t be strung

26. Don’t fall for the "I’m confused role". Remove
yourself from the situation to let him figure things
out (but don’t wait for him, move on).

27. If you want to have a clue as to how he will
treat you, watch how he treats the WOMEN in his
family (not just mom).

28. There’s more than physical abuse, there’s
emotional and mental abuse. If he causes any of

29. You cannot change a man’s behaviors.
Change comes from within.

30. Don’t let him place rules on you that he is not
willing to follow himself — double-standard.

31. Don’t EVER make him feel he is more
important than you are…even if he has more
education or in a better job.

32. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a
man, nothing more nothing less.

33. Demand respect and if he can’t give it, he
can’t have you!

34. Don’t compete with other woman, but be
aware that men are attracted to what they see.

35. If you think he is cheating, he probably is.
Confront him right away and if you feel he’s lying,
let him go.

36. Actions speak louder than words.

37. Never let a man define who you are.

38. Never rely on a man for compliments, look to
yourself for that.

39. Never borrow someone else’s man.

40. If he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you.

41. Just because he says he loves you, doesn’t
mean that he won’t hurt you and it doesn’t mean
that you are meant to be wi th him.

42. To use painful hard-won wisdom — ‘get it right’
the next time.

43. Know that you deserve to be the number one
person in the life of the #1 person in your life.

44. Love is a verb …

45. Learn to give up your lifelong task of trying to
make someone unavailable-available, someone
ungiving-giving, and someone unloving-loving.

46. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW

Pull Together When You’re Pulled Apart

Resolving Conflict in Relationships

Sometimes the biggest conflicts in marriage are over the most trivial issues.

Every relationship, even good ones have conflict. If you don’t know how to deal with it, how to resolve it, how to manage it, you can kill your relationship.

The Bible is very clear about it. Mark 3 says, "A home filled with strife and division destroys itself." We’re going to look at some practical steps right out of God’s Word that will help us Pull Together When We’re Pulled Apart. If you’re not married, you can use these principles in your business, with your best friend, with children, whatever. We all have conflict any time we’re involved in relationship.

What causes conflict?

The Bible says conflict is caused by selfishness. James 4:1, "Do you know where your fights and arguments come from? They come from selfish desires that war within you." I am basically a selfish person. I think of me before I think of anybody else. And you do too. I want what I want and you want what you want, and when these competing desires collide that’s called conflict.

Some of you are in major pain right now. You are frustrated to no end. You feel stuck in your relationship because you have argued about certain issues over and over in your relationship and there has been no resolution, much less reconciliation. You don’t know what to do.

God says, "Here are some steps." I’ve seen these steps work in dozens, if not hundreds of couples.

If you’re going to pull together, when you’re pulled apart, you have to…

1. Call on God for help

Pray about it. Before you go to the other person and talk to them about the problem, discuss it with God. This may solve the problem right there. Before you start dealing with the issue, before you talk to anybody about the problem, talk to God about it, and ask Him for help.

I challenge you to practice what I call ventilating vertically. Many of you are very good at ventilating horizontally, but ventilating vertically is when you come to God. You come and say, "Here’s how I feel." And you just lay it out.

James 4:2, "You quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God." This is so foundational; you have to get this point. Conflict often occurs when we expect other people to meet needs that only God Himself can meet in our lives.

One day you stood in front of a bunch of people and you said, "I do." What you were really saying was, "I expect." You weren’t thinking about what you intended to do and the promises you were going to keep. You were thinking, "Good! All my needs are going to be met now! This person is the answer to my dreams and is going to fulfill me in every way." There is no person alive who could possibly meet all your needs. Only God can do that.

God says, "You quarrel and fight. You have unmet needs because you don’t ask God." How do I know when I’m looking to other people instead of God to meet my needs’ It’s called anger. Anger is a warning light, which says, "I’m expecting somebody to meet my needs." When I have a need for you to be on time and you’re late, or when I have a need for you to notice me and you don’t, I get angry. God says, "Why don’t you try talking to Me about it first." Instead of expecting your mate to meet all your needs, God wants you to look to Him. "You have not because you do not ask God."

2. Confess my part of the conflict

Before I start attacking and blaming, I need to do a frank evaluation and ask, "How much of this conflict is my fault? I need to do an honest checkup and admit my part. When you’re wrong, admit it. And when you’re right, shut up!

Be honest. Matthew 7:3, Jesus speaking, "Why do you look at the speck in another’s eye and pay no attention to the log in your own eye’ Take the log out of your own eye first and you’ll be able to see clearly."

Everybody has blind spots. When Jesus says, "Before you start getting the sawdust speck out of your partner’s eye, why don’t you get the telephone pole out of yours?” He is by exaggeration saying, check yourself out first.

I need to ask, "Am I being unrealistic? Am I being insensitive? Am I being over-sensitive? Am I being too demanding? Am I being ungrateful? Before I get involved in dealing with you, I first need to talk to God, and then look at myself and admit what problems I’m bringing in."

The number one excuse for divorce is, "We’re just incompatible." That has an innocent, no fault air to it. Leading experts on marriage have this to say about the issue of compatibility.

‘Dr. Paul Tournier, the Swiss psychiatrist who wrote in To Understand Each Other: "So called incompatibility is a myth invented by jurists in order to plead for divorce. It is likewise a common excuse for people to hide their own weaknesses and failings. Misunderstandings and mistakes can be corrected when there is a willingness to do so. The problem is the lack of complete frankness." And I’d add inflexibility.

‘Dr. Arch Hart, who’s spoken here at Saddleback, says, "If people can be divorced for incompatibility, I cannot conceive why all of us are not divorced."

Marriage is a life long process of overcoming your differences. The Bible says, "If we say we are without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." Each of us has an infinite capacity for self-deception. I can blame you for all my problems. But the fact is, it’s not incompatibility. It’s selfishness and an unwillingness to change. Let’s call it what it is.

3. Convene a peace conference

Conflict does not resolve itself. It must be dealt with intentionally ‘ deliberately. Conflict gets worse when you leave it alone. Hearts grow hardened and positions get solidified, and bridges get broken beyond repair. So you have to intentionally deal with the conflict.

The Bible is very specific about this. In Matthew 5, Jesus says, "If you remember that someone has something against you leave your gift at the altar and go at once to make peace. Then come back and offer your gift to God." It is impossible to worship with bitterness in your heart and unresolved conflict with others.

Jesus says don’t ignore it. Deal with the issue while you can deal with it. If you’ve got something wrong with somebody or they’ve got something wrong with you, God says you go to them.

When? At once. Postponed conflict only gets worse. Another verse in the Bible says, "Don’t let the sun go down on your anger." I think that means 24 hours would be a maximum amount of time you should let something go unresolved. You need to do it as soon as possible, before it festers and turns into bitterness.

4. Consider my mate’s perspective

I can’t just look at my own viewpoint, my own situation; I have to look at your viewpoint too. It is not natural for me to look at life from your viewpoint. This requires an intentional shift where I have to change my focus from looking at my needs to looking at your needs. It takes God to do that. It is a mental shift that we do not do naturally. But it’s the secret of resolving conflict.

The secret of resolving conflict is understanding where people are coming from. When you understand where people are coming from, it’s so much easier. The better you understand somebody, the less conflict you’re going to have with him or her, because you know how to deal with him or her.

How do you learn to understand someone’ Listen. Listen more than you talk. This again, is not easy for many of us. It’s not easy for me. Some of us get so anxious to make our point, to tell our side, to defend ourselves; we don’t even stop to listen to what the other person is saying or their point of view. We must seek to understand before seeking to be understood.

The Bible says in Philippians 2:4, "Look to each other’s interest and not merely your own." The word "look’ in Greek is scopos. It’s like a scope on a rifle or a microscope. It means pay attention. You are most like Christ when you ask, "What are her/his needs and how can I meet them’" When you’re angry, you’re preoccupied with yourself. But when you’re like Christ, you look to each other’s interest and not merely your own. One of the most powerful peace making statements is when you say to your husband/wife, "I’m sorry. I was only thinking of myself."

5. Concentrate on reconciliation, not resolution

There’s a very important difference. Reconciliation means to re-establish the relationship. Resolution means to resolve every issue by coming to agreement on everything. That’s not going to happen.

You’ll discover there are some things you’re never going to agree on. I don’t care if you both love the Lord and are both dramatically in love with each other. There are some things you’re never going to agree on simply because God has wired us differently.

You’re not going to agree with everything your mate believes or thinks. But you can disagree without being disagreeable. That’s called wisdom. The Bible says in James 3, "Wisdom is peace loving and courteous. It allows discussion and it is willing to yield to others." The Bible says it’s wise to compromise. You can have unity without uniformity. You can walk hand in hand without seeing eye to eye. You can have reconciliation without resolution of every issue.

Some of you are worn out from the conflict in your marriage. You want to throw in the towel. Don’t do it! It is more rewarding to resolve a conflict than to dissolve a relationship.

So your homework is to schedule a peace conference.

Let me close with a couple of suggestions:

1. Some of you may need to get professional help. Many marriages are miserable, and they go year after year with the same old problems, because they’re just too proud to go get help. Don’t go to just anybody. Get a godly counselor who bases his/her practice on God’s Word.

2. The other thing you need to do is get help from God. You can’t do this on your own. I’ve seen these steps work. But you need Christ’s power to work them.

Many marriage conflicts would be solved overnight if both the husband and wife would kneel before Jesus Christ and say, "We humble ourselves and humbly ask You to make this thing work. We submit our egos to You and our hurts to You. Jesus Christ, do what only You can do."

does ur hands fit together?

Soulmates can never be found by grasping every hand you see and testing if ur hands fit together. It’s that someone who stares back at you at the other side of life when u stare into space and lose consciousness of everything around u and feel a few seconds of what eternity means.

Honeymooners place

Top Romantic Places

Love is often difficult to express. And yet, it always has the power to bind two individuals in a perpetual bond. Fortunate are those who are able to find their soul mates and get a chance to experience one of the most powerful human emotions. But from time to time lovers also need to announce their love for each other, and it is at this point that top romantic places come into picture. The proposal to visit one of the most romantic places in the world on this Valentine’s Day can be one among the best Valentine’s Day ideas.

Spending some time with your partner near the Eiffel tower in France or taking an oath together in the beautiful city of Venice can be better than all the Valentine’s Day gifts that you have received so far in your life.

Therefore, top romantic places in the world can help you to give a boost to the relationship.

So, imagine how fantastic a real visit to any of the romantic places would be. Given below are some of the top romantic places of the world that can help you in selecting the best romantic place where you can spend some valuable and romantic time together.

Colmar in France

Colmar in France has been judged as one of the most romantic places in France where lovers can unhesitatingly exchange love vows. The major attractions of Colmar are the numerous vineyards as well as the Alsatian wine industry. Colmar has been renowned as the capital of Haut-Rhin department. The exquisite surroundings of Colmar make it an ideal place for romance.

Paris in France

Paris is appropriately known as the 'Heaven of Romance', as this is a place where you can announce your eternal love for your beloved in a beautiful way. The major attractions of Paris include places like Le Louvre, Eiffel tower, Euro Disney, Sacre Coeur, Montparnasse, Arc de Triumphe and Centre Pompidou.

So, organize a trip to Paris with your beloved, and live the most exciting era of romance in the 'Heaven of romance'.

Venice in Italy

Looking for a memorable place to announce your love to the most cherished person in your life? Well, Venice in Italy is the perfect answer to your search. Venice is famous for its fantastic architecture, romantic surroundings and places like Ponte dei Sospiri, Ponte di Rialto, Piazza San Marco and Canale Grande.

All these things together can create an ambience of romance exclusively for you and your beloved.

Schloss Neuschwanstein in Germany

A perfect combination of nature's beauty and human's creativity, the Schloss Neuschwanstein in Germany is not less than a heaven on earth. Surrounded by exquisite sceneries, the Schloss Neuschwanstein is one of the most popular castles located in Bavaria.

Vienna in Austria

Vienna in Austria is another suitable place for the lovers. People in love with each other come to visit this beautiful place from every corner of the world. The major attractions of the city includes great architecture, fabulous art and music and fantastic places like Museum of Fine Arts, Schoenbrunn Palace, Sigmund Freud Museum, St Stephen's Cathedral, Belvedere Palace and The Hofburg Imperial Palace.

Monte Carlo in Princedom Monaco

Monte Carlo is yet another romantic place where you can convey your love feelings for your loved one. Located at the base of Maritime Alps, it is counted amongst the most romantic places in the world where many love stories have taken shape. The major attractions of Monte Carlo include names like Monte Carlo Casino, Oceanographic Museum, Exotica Garden, The National Museum and Prince's Palace.

Prague in Czech Republic

Another interesting option for the romantic place can be Prague in Czech Republic. Famous for delicious food, old and traditional castles, kindhearted people and amiable surroundings, this place has definitely made a place for itself among the top most romantic places. Popular for Kafka and Mozart, the city is also famous for providing the lovers with immense opportunities for romantic walking trails.

New York City in USA

New York in USA is another alternative for lovers who are in search of a beautiful romantic place for spending some lovable moments with each other. Restaurants, shops and delightful surroundings are some of the major attractions of this city. Few other attractions of New York are Grand central terminal, Liberty Island, Central Park and Skyline.

Cairo in Egypt

Cairo in Egypt is also regarded to be a paradise on earth especially for the lovers. The elegance and charm, which surrounds this particular city, makes it a favorable spot among the lovers for conveying their love to each other. Pyramids in Giza are one of the many things, which make this city all the more special.


Known by the name of ‘Ultimate Romantic Destination’, Mauritius is no wonder so popular among the lovers. The swaying palms, exquisite surroundings, coral reefs and the blue ocean are some of the many things, which add to the beauty of the place.

-i love it-